Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bad Guy Stories

First Bad Guy Story

One time when I was little there was a big snowstorm that left a lot of snow and ice on the driveway that we shared with the house next door. After the snow melted, my Dad and the next door neighbor saw that there were nails on the driveway. They thought that there were bad guys who wanted to puncture the tires of our cars. They were worried about having bad guys doing bad stuff in our neighborhood. But then they realized what had happened. To help melt the snow and ice that were on the driveway, the neighbor had scattered ashes from some old wooden boards he had burned up. He didn't realize it, but there were nails in the boards. When he scattered the ashes he didn't notice the nails, but after the snow melted and washed away the ash, he saw them on the driveway! We didn't have bad guys after all!

Second Bad Guy Story

Our next door neighbor was very upset. He went up into his attic after he had been out of town. He saw that there were a lot of things torn up and scattered around. He was afraid some bad people in the neighborhood had broken into his house and made a mess. He told the other neighbors to be careful to look out for bad guys. After a few days he realized who the bad guys were when he investigated some noises in the attic. They were some squirrels who had gotten in through a hole in the roof!